Ninety years ago, a mysterious Shroom Hub cloud spread its spores across a collection of magical islands. These spores would eventually grow into a great civilization and a small, lovable hero named Shroom. But every ten years, a massive storm would ravage the Shroomy Isles and reduce them to nothing more than mycelium and some berry brushes.
Exploring Shroom Hub: Your One-Stop Shop for Magic Mushrooms
Now, with magic mushrooms decriminalized in San Francisco and Oakland and a new generation of consumers embracing them as a way to deal with the stress of global climate change, it seems that Shroom Hub may have found its calling. The minimalist space boasts psychedelic mushroom art, books about the subject and a menu displayed on two screens that offers customers options to buy either dried or edible magic mushrooms.
The store is stocked with various mushroom varieties, including Porcini mushrooms, which are hard to come by. Vidmar says that within an hour of posting a photo on Instagram of the new shipment, there was a line-up at his shop in Walkerville.
Whether they are buying for the first time or are regulars, customers are welcomed with a smile and a friendly chat about all things shrooms. The staff is incredibly knowledgeable and can offer suggestions based on the type of experience they are looking for. They can also suggest the best dosage based on a person’s size and tolerance level. They also advise people of potential side effects, which include vision changes, anxiety, nausea and twitchy muscles.