ADI Leak Detection is a UK based company that specialises in the investigation and ADI Leak Detection. Their engineers have been trained throughout the length and breadth of the country, so you can be confident they know how to locate the problem at hand – and what to do with it.
Swimming Pools
The water in a swimming pool is constantly under pressure, whether that’s from your own body or the surrounding environment – and it can quickly wear out equipment. Worn or damaged fittings might eventually pull away from the structure, resulting in a leak that needs repairing.
Underground Plumbing
Modern properties often have hidden water supply and central heating pipes under the floor or in the walls. These can be very difficult to find, and if they do leak it will have an enormous impact on your home or business, costing you money in the long run!
The Role of ADI Leak Detection in Water Conservation
Aerial thermograms of pipelines can help to identify potential leak locations by detecting vibrations caused by a substance leaving the pipeline via a leak. The vibration changes the reflection of a laser beam pulse that is emitted from the pipe wall, which can then be detected.
Biological Techniques
Some of the most commonly used biological leak detection methods are dogs and landscapers who keep pipeline rights of way clear. These can be a good indicator of an ongoing leak, but they can also be used as a secondary technique to help detect larger releases.