Online learning can be challenging and sometimes overwhelming for students, teachers and administrators. Fortunately, there are many resources available to help overcome some of the most common challenges faced by distance learners. URL
The first step in making online learning work is to make sure that the tools you choose have a clear goal and are aligned with your teaching style. For example, you might want to use an app that offers daily practice problems (like ZIML) or a program that helps you track your progress (like 3P Learning).
A good place to start is Open Culture, a non-profit organization that gathers online courses from around the world and makes them easy for you to search. The organization currently lists more than 1,500 free classes, with some of them offering a credit or certificate for completion.
Another great resource is edX, an online learning platform that combines courses from universities and teachers all over the world. It has a focus on STEM content, but also offers free courses in business skills and other traditional subjects.
Online Learning Hacks: Tips and Tricks to Boost Your Productivity
In addition to learning new material, you should also focus on your own personal development. Having a positive self-talk will go a long way in helping you stay focused and motivated, as well as keeping your stress level under control.
Differentiation in the Classroom
Differentiating online lessons can be an effective way to help all students get the most out of their time in the virtual classroom. Using a variety of interactive platforms and multimedia can make online learning more engaging for all students, no matter where they are in the world.